Open the Bubbly!

Another boring half term day for me!

Well for the mean while, as there are many parties I have to attend tonight. A smile on my face always lifts me when I`m feeling run down.

The joy that I can see how… maybe it was karma, but that our once good friend / greedy b*****d has been declared injured for the rest of the season.

Yes my good friends that man is Jimmy Bullard. I can’t help but think maybe it was karma. Maybe the thought of leaving a club who held onto you for 16 months when your career could have been ended, a club who had paid for all the hospitality you needed and left us for almost double the wages.

Now, I do wish ol’ Jim an easy recovery (not speedy, the longer he`s out the better I will feel) as he did serve our club well, but I do think its time to open the bubbly. We did make a good £2.5 million profit from him and he could well have got injured whilst with us. Makes me think selling a greedy player, no matter how good they was, was a good move

See you down the pub Mohammed, I’ll get the first round in.

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